TheSemler e°eiiasaticalling to (;hrif}. fight, are your province rofei and the like, areof great account but your commonhedge refer, no. Haan cares for them : So it is with the workof Gods Spirir,and all other common graces, there isprovince love, andprovince joy, which is planted and wrought in the heart by the skilftall hand of God and his blared Spirit, thefemake a fweet finelling favour in the noiirils ofGod : Aye that love, faith.the Father, Aye that love, faith the Lord jefus, wee cannot better pleafe them, than byentertaining themafter this matter; but thefe hedge rofes,this carnall love andcarnall joy, that growea upon the hedge of our owne natural! hearts,the Lord cares not forthis loveand joy, it befeemes himnot inany meafure, therefore ob.. ferve this, canfi thou fay,I loveGod becaufe hee loved me ; this is a love ofthe right coine, it came from the right mint ; and know it for ever., that that Godwhich cannot but love hianfelfe, he cannot but like that loveofthine, which is of his owne nature, which came from his owne felfe, who is theGod of all love. I would fainehave you underffandwhat I fpeake, is thy heartthere- fore affeaedand inlargedwith love to theLord, becaufe thou haft found, andfelt, and received, the fweetneffe of the relli(h of the riches of his grace into thy foule, doth love and joy growup- on this root, namely, upon a grounded applica- tion (as I may fo fay in fpeciall manner ) ofGods favour to thy foule, fettled, and fea-led, and made knowne in this kinde, ifthy lovedoe grow upon this ground, upon the particular application of 11h 2 Gods 239.