Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

240 1-he soules effeiluall calling toChrif}. Gods mercie to thy foule ; fo that thy foulecan fay, the Lord bath looked downe from heaven ; bee hath Paid inhis word, that bee will looke at them that tremble at his name 3 I looked for mercie, and I fought for grac:, and bleffedbee God, I have found that mercie and grace 1loo- ked and fought for, theMiniffer fpake it, and his Spirit flake: it, that my name was regiflred in hea. ven,and that my prayers wereheard,&mydefires . fatisfied, and therefore how (hall I love the Lord that bath doneall this for mee? my firms Ihave bewailed, my complaints I have powrPd forth, and the Lord hath lookedfrom heaven,andgiven me a gracious anfwer ; therefore I will love the Lord for ir, even for ever ; I love theedearly ,0 Lord, my fErength, thoaart my fùpport that haft firengthned me ; thou art my Saviour that haft favedme; therefore my foule fhall for ever love thre,for that mercie ofthine; this is a love now that comes from a right mint, it is currant, and' Difference be- goodpay. But ifaman love God from himfelfe, twixt the love aaa Joy of an this love will bring a man tohimfelfe, and there hypocrite, and leave him : as ifaman have alove to his parts, or ofGods chüdt tohishearing,orreading,or praying,orpreaching, or conferences, ifa man have a love tohis under- flanding, wifedome, and policie, he loves his wifedome and policiewell, therefore bee would rainbe beholdingto Chrift, tohel pe him toglo- rifle this wifedomeand policie, and there parts of his,that hemight receive honour to them ó zlow thelove ofhis parts brought all to his parts, and Quillshonour inthe mane time.lay in theduff, and