=------_--_ 7hesomierefj'rauáll coillinz to Chriff. ------ 2b} and foi might inftance in a rhoufandexamplesof the like nature: Whereas taow(marke what Ifay ) that lovewhich is wrought from God, alwayes drawes the foule untoGods loveagaine,the Lord letsdowne the cords of his love into the foule, and thereby breeds love, and kindles love in the foule,to that goodncfi'eand kindneffe ofhis ; and this is the excellencie ofa Chriftian,and this love is ofa right coine, and of a right Rampe :hut love of my parts, that Chrìft may glorifie my parts ; and loveofprofit, that Chrift might pro. mote my profit : I love my parts and profitonly now,and not Chrift in this cafe : and this is the greateft difference betweene the love and de- light, which thecunningft hypocriteunder hea- ven can have, and the Saints ofGod : I cxpref e ït thus; Meat that a man rakes dowse inwardly,.simitó. and digefts, breeds good blood, and goodcom- plexion; but that which a man takes,and digefts not,but vomitsout againe prefently, breeds nei- ther good blond, nor good complexion : So it is with the loveof the heart that isrightly wrought upon, to entertaine and love a Saviour, and de- light in him, and welcome him, as befeemes his worth : a heart that is foundly wrought upon by the Spirit, feeds heartily upon the promife, and that feeding and taking downe of the promife, and that doling with the promife, breeds good bloud and 'good complexion ; true love that breeds good bloud,"aed true joy that breeds good complexion,becanfe thepromife is.fed upòn : it is the work of Ciod3 S itit which feize upon, and