Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

_ 242 The Setrles efeEuQi'c.a.jasg re Chift.. ndworke effeí uailyupon the heart, that bred this found loveArid true. joy. But acarnall hypo, crite,that only bath a tafteof the prornife, and a flattering apprehestfaonofthe promife in general, Chrift came to /rave fanners, &c. thefe are prettie things to tickle theirconceits, butthey never goe downe,they digeft not the promife ofChrifl,and therefore that love which comes from hence, is but a faired lovesand that joy which arifeth from hence,isbut a falle joy,it breeds no goodbloud,it breeds no good complexion, but meere vanities and overtures in a Chriftians courfe; here is the differencebetweene the love andjoy cifan hypo. crite,andofa Saint ofGod : this is tl:e firm trial'. 2.Ttia,l, Secondiy,ifthou entertaine thy Saviour,asbe- feemes a Saviour, thou muff entertaine him as a King (for he isa King) that is,give upall to him, and entertain none but thofe that attend upon him,and appertaine tohim ; in a word, love all ia' Chrift, love all for Chrift, but expreffe thy affe- ion and joy to him aboveall ; he is theKing, all the teli sr@butretainers,anct therefore entertaine him in the firft place; hee that loves any thing equal' with Chrift, bee never loved Chrift truly; hethat fets up any thing, cheeke by jowle with his Saviour,he defpifeth, he renouncethhis Savi- our. It is all one (inplaine termes) as if a man fhould put a flave into the chamber where the King is,and fay,he pathentertained theKing,this bate behaviourof his, will drive the King away, as well as if he didopenly and profefly bid him begone. So