Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

?heSoulei eElgaitcallingtaChrift. 243 So ifthou fetteft up any thing with thySavi- cur,thou doff drive himaway,as well by thy bate behaviour, as by open profeflïon : a mancannot receive friendfhip with Chritt and the worldup- on the fame ter®es : a wife that loves her hufpmer4.4, band, loves himonly asa husband, Lee only path her heart,and the lovesn' nebut him in that man- ner; the loves others as friends and neighbours, and gives them refpe& fo farre as they keepe themfelves there, but if theycome toclaime the loveofahusband,fhe abhorresthem : to a Ibving heart loves Jefus Chrìíf onely asa bridegroome, and allthings dieonly as f ieads and neighbours: the foule that loves Chrift, loves him onely as a Chrift,and all the reff as friends the foule will love riches thatmay credit i., and parts that may advance it (as friends to fpeake for a man, and to give occafion to a man, tocome toa Saviour) as the wife loves her husband firffly,and the rat as friends and neighbours, that mull, further the match : Io the foule loves the Lord Iefus Chrift in the firft place; and all thingsel as profit, and riches,andparrs, as friends and neighbours that rnayemakc up the match with a Saviour, and bring it into acquaintance with a Saviour : the foule loves prayer, and hearing, and Gods ordi nances, as friends to fpeake a good word to Chrift for it;, but if any thing come to Reale away the heart, and challenge the afFe &ionofa fpoufe,it abhorres it,it hates honour, and riches, and all things in theworld that will challenge any fpoufe -like love,Chrift only (hall have that. Oar