Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

244 ?ige,Soules eeata'all calling toChrifí. Luke 1416. Our Saviour faith, Hee that hates notfather and öpened, rHotherfor myfake, is not rcertbie e fmee : that is, if father and mother Rand betweene thee and Chriff,iftheywould be married to thy foule,hate and abhorre them, love them fo farre as they lead ro a S.wiour,but when they ftep into the place of aS:aviour,abominateand hate them. Difference be- This I take to bee the difference betweene a tweene a round found and falfe heart,in theentertainment of the and falrc heart Lord Jeius a found heart entertaines a Saviour, in the tainnient of as a favourite entertaines a Prince, he comes in- Chdff tohis houfe,anddifpofes, and orders every thing as he fees fir, what he will is done, andnomore: but now an inkeeper, bee entertaines him that comes next, he will take any mans money, and give welcome to any man, for he loves the gaine of all, but loves the perfonofnone : fo a gracious foule entertaines Chrift as a Prince, all giveat- tendance to the Lord, and all the courtiers are welcome,becaufe they are ferviceable tohis Ma- jeítie ; but ifa man be an enemy to hisMajefl:y, he will rather imprifonhim,thanentertain hits; hewill rather punifh him, than welcome him: but now an hypocrite entertaines the Lord Je- fus,as a fíranger into an inne, if honour, orpro. fits,orriches come firft, they are firft ferved, all are welcome, they and Chrift, and Chrift and they, but loves not Chrift, but he loves himfelfe in all. a. triall. Thirdly, he that truly loves Chrift, labours to give contentment to Chrift , for love alwayes gives contentment to the thing beloved ;muit