The sodeleffeElmailcallinito Chrift. 245 muff bee with every Chriftian heart that is truly humbled, and bath this affe6tion kindled, be- feemingour Saviour; the foule that thus enter, tames him, is ffudioutly carefull, and marvellous warchfall, left it doeany thing that may grieve the Lord Jelin, and difcontent his Spirit, and fend the good Spirit of the Lord fad, or in any diflike to Heaven; it is carefull, left the Lord Iefus Ihould bee difpleafedwith him, andoffen- ded at him, or goe away in anger and difpleature; the heart feares, left hee fhould doe any thing that may caute this, and it would be almoft death to him, if hee Ihould doe this. Marke the guile and behavionr ofthe spoufe,fhe never left feeking oilierbeloved, till the had found him, and when 4'4'11.3.7 thehad found him, thee layes hold of him, and when the bathdone fo, the brings him home,and when heewas there, Thee gives charge to all the houle ¡charge you, 0ye daughter, o flerufalem, by the Roe, and theHindes ofthe field, thatyouflirre not up,nor awake my love,tdll hepleafe.Look as it iswhen menofgreat placecome into a mans houle, there is,agreat charge&warninggiven; fee therebeno noyfe about fuch aplace, left fuch a man be railed beforehis time. What bafeneffe is this that wee fhould haveour hearts inlarged to any thing but Chrift? Agood heart wil do as the fpoufe did here; when the foul hash received the Spirit ofa Saviour; & found them: rcy ofaSaviour, it keepswatch & wardwithin it felfe, and gives peremptory charge to ail in the-far/ail' '; I chargeyou profles,'and plea- fine, and riches, and honour, and all the things Ii of