Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

48 The souk, of efluaflcalIinn toChril}. and free favour of Godmade knowne': therefore that phrafe, Rom. 6.17. is a marvellous patterne to our purpofe ; theText faith,theyweredelivered to thisformeofdoFfrine. Looke as it iswith a féale, if thePeale be Pet to thewax, and leave an impref- lion, ¡tiff fo many letters upon the wax as in the Peale, then it is wholly fealed : So the Spirit of God through Chrift,in the promifes,doth reveale al the freeneffe and graceof mercy inChrift.Now when the Spirit doth leave an impreilion on the foule, that man is delivered into the truth. I con- clude all in .4Etr z 6.18. when Saul was fent to preach to the Gentiles,the Text faith, he wasbut tobring them out ofdarkneffe into light: mark, when the Lord doth come to worke effecually upon the foule, he bringsmen from under thepower of darkneffe : whereas the underflanding was darke and blinded, when the Spirit comes, it turnesk from the darkneffe and power offnne, unto the power of light andgrace. Lally, thepower ofthe heart doth thefe two things : for not onely tome oftheheart mallbec brought toGod, but thewholeheart: therefore in the precious promifes of grace and favation, there is fulneffe ofall good, todraw all the facul- ties of the fouleunto theLord; and therefore the faithfulndíe and the truthofGod is mainly revea- led inthe promifes; now that fitsthe underflan- ding, andmakes it looke to God forpardon, for power,and mercy. As the promife is a true word, fo it is a good wordithisanfwers all the will and ii,ífeáiom,there is