a45 TheSoleseffcauaacaßinlco Cyril}. ofthis life, love and joy, and all the faculties of the foule, (it gives them warning) I chargeyou that you ftirre to-, I chargeyen that you grieve not, I charge you that you öifquiet not the spirit ofthe Lord, let there bee nomotion but enter- taineit, nocommand but obey it; no advice but receive it ; thus the foule gives peremptory charge, not togrieve the Spirit of the Lord, or todoeany thing that may diftai}e it. See this inLet, whowhenhe had received tl:c two .4-eels into hishorde, the cuffed sodomite: came to the doore, and thought to abufe hisflran, ggers. Now (markek I befeech you) Lot could be content that rather any hurt or diftaffe fhDuld befall himfelfe than them: thereforeobferve how he pleads with thofebafe people. Lot went out unto them, and Phut thedoores after him, and ve4.I g, s. fail ; Iprayyou brethren doe not (o wickedly; Be- holdnow 1 have twodaughters whichhave not knorrne man,letmebrinnthem out untoyou,and do ao themes good inyour eyes, onely to tefemen doenothing, for therefore came theyunder the fhadow ofmy rafe.This waskinde honorable entertainment. P. s L4dealt with the A elr, foa lovingheart will deale with the Lordkills : let my foule bee wounded (faith thelovinghears) but let nor Gods Spirit be grie- ved ; let my honourbee laid in theduff, but let not Godbe diffionoured ;let temptations, oppo- litions, per fecutions, anddifgra.e befall.m'e,but let Godsglory beadvanced. The foule is willing andcontent tobeareany thing, hut itwilido no- thing againft thrift, it will doe nothingagainft the