Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The sodeteffeilsaticalling to Chrift. 247 theGofpe11 oftheLord Iears. Thefoule faith ,you may doe what you will with me, my life,andho. nour, and wealth is in your hands, but to the Lord doe no harme; blaipherne not his Name, refill not his Spirit, doeno difhonour to his Go(.; pell, doe not contemne his grace what ever be- tides me : This is the frameofthe fourthat truly loves Chriff. They that entertains Perlons which they highly refpeer, are inquifitive ofrhofe that apper- raine unto them to know what their minde is, what likes your mailer, andwhat takes he mat contentment in ? this they doe, that they may prevent hart with a kindnefli?,rhough heaskenot for it; what ever wíll bell content him,they fecke for it, and what ever will diflafle hire they labour to avoid it : So a gracious loving foule never fa- tisficth it felkë, but labours togive content to the Lord lelas; that hee may have his will onely. Therefore filch a Coale will come to a faithfall Mi- miter and aske him, howmull I order my family? What (hall I doe in regard ofmy felfe and chil- dren ? Howmay I pleafe the Lord better ? And how may I entertaine the LordsSpirit better? Whatduty is to be performed ? What fervice is tobee dilcharged ? What conrfe is tobee taken, that I may pleafe Chrift?You are acquaintedwith Chriff, you know what will contenthim ; I pray you tell me how Imaypray fo, andperforme da- ties fo that nothingmaydiffaf e him, or beoften. fiveunto him. This I take tobee the difference between an honeft fincere heart which enter- i 2 tamales