Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

248 .irarrle. The Sosies efeîtstall calling toChrift. minesChriftasbeleemes him, and a naughty hy.. pocriticall fpirit that would fawne uponChrií}_. Ie,us : this is the difference betweene faithfull true bye and joy, and diffembling love and joy. There is the fameods betweene them, which is betweene a man that entertaines a fervant, and another that entertaines a nobleiiend,or a King into his family. A man entertains a fervant, that he maypleafe him, andnot that hee maypleafe his fervant : he feeth he iswife to order hisocca- fions, and diligent to difpatch his .bulineflè,, and ., thereforehee receiveshim, that heemayget con- tentment from the fervant, not that hee may give contentment to the fervant : but ifbee findes any inconveniency in his eflate,, or receives not that fatisfa&ion from him which hee delires and expe &s, hee turnes himout ofdoores. But now hee which entertaines a Nobleman after a noble , manner, and he which entertaines aKing after a kingly manner, labours to giN e him all content, hee will not pleafe himfelfe, nor fulfill hisowne mimic, but ftudies howhee may givecontent to, theNoble man, or to the King. Nay it is admira-, ble to fee what menofgreat place will doe in this cafe : When they entertaine aKing, they them- (elveswill bee fervants while the Ring is there; haply hee is a manof great eflate, andhath many to attend upon him, yet hee gives charge to his fervants, I care not what becomes ofme, but bee Pure let his lvlaje.y bepleated; andif any comes to fpeake with him , kiee tels him hee can- not pofhbly .. fpeake with him now, bee muff attend