Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoule, efeEtwall calling to Chrift. 249 attend u on his Mdfeffie. Soit is betweenea found faithful]loving foule that entertaines Chrift, and an Hypocrite; the one receives Chrift into his foule as afervanr in- to his family, and all the while- Gods G_)fpell or Grace maypromotehis honour,or eafe, orcredit, fo ferre as thefe may ferve his turne, Co (arreas profit, and honour, and riches come in by this means, welcome Gofpell, and welcome Chrift : But ifhe feesdanger will come, or in, onvenience befall, or mifery betide; then he turnes Gofpell, andChr.if}, and profefiion, andall out of doores, becau -i bee entertained the Gofpell onely as a fervant to content himfelfe. But bee that enter- raines Chrift and the Gofpell, as a King intohis foule, labours togive him all content, he will not pleafe himfelfe, or his lulls, or his pride or vaine glory, or any thing in the world: Nay when Chrift comes once to be received into the foule; hewhich before had hisretinue, and all to attend upon him; they mull all ferve Chrift now, nay he will not give Chrift dittafte in the leaft thing, hecares for nohonour now, but to honourhim, hecares for no advancement now, but toadvance him, heefteemes ofno riches now, butGMarre as they may credit the Gofpell : Nay to goe fur- ther, they that were his neereft and decreft friends, iftheycome anddelirehis company, he tels them no,hecannot, the Lord lefus mutt bee hleafed, and the spirit mutt bee contented : Nay isold lulls, and his óld acquaintance, hisold bate hauntsof heart, andhis old finfull courtes, I i 3 treat