9 zgo rfal4o.8 The Seineseet gaitçatlingtoChr1ft. that have beene at inward league with his foule, though they corneand plead tor acceptance, the poore fanner regards none ofall thefe, he refpeás Chrift only : Nayhe will difpleafe a fafhion, ra- ther than he willdifpleafe Chrifl;he will difplt afe all the great nununder Heaven, ratherthan bee will difpleafe Chritl. Nay all that fame. glory andpride of his which bath beetle fo much belo. vedofhim, the foule that hash beene trulyhum- bled, and brought to an apprehenfion of Gods goodneffe, will rather difpleafe that, than dif- pleafe the Lord lefus Chrift. This is anentertainment that befeemes the Lord, and this is the guife that befeemes hint whichgivescontentment to a Saviour: You muff now andthen receive the Gsfpell when it pleafeth you, and anon fling out the Lord lefits, and cur. rifhly behave your felves towards him but you mutt give all content unto him, and beftowall attendanceupon him. It isadmirable to fee what love will doe, howmen will fquare their minder and hearts to themitades ofrho that are tende- red by them : they willbewhere they pleafe,doe what they will, and talke of what they will : Ï delight to dee thy good arritl, omyGod, (faith David) the originali carries it thus, it is my good trig' to doe thy good pleaftee; So it is the good will of the foule that loves God to pleafehim above all things, wee fhould fo fpeake, and worke, and walke, as befeemes the Lord, as will give Tweet contentment to the Lord , that bee may de- light to love us, and walke with us, andbee a good ad fiá,`.1V;