The &ssles efeElreallca§iny to Chrift, 2 5 good G®D unto us for ever. The fourth triall is this, He that loves a thing, Trial!. it is his happineffe and good to fee the happineffe and goodofthe thinghe loves; (obfèrve it) this isan undoubted argument offound af°eCtion,that a man fhould beewilling that that which isaffe. ¿red byhim, fhould haveall good, though flee in the meane time mitre ofit, if therebee anypro- fperiry befals the party he loves, he thinkeshim- felfe bletfed; ifany honour comes to him, bee thinkes himfelfe honoured; nay hehad rather hee fhouldbehonoured and advanced than himfelfe, this is true love indeed. But fee apatterne oflove, and a bleffedmirrour of' aheart inlargedwith af- feaion: When Davidwas anointedto thecrown, and Saul purfued hirer heavily, and thought to defeat him of the Kingdorrre, anddealt wretch- edly and cruelly with him; Now 1onathanmeets himafter anheavyafflielion, and labours tocheer '' Rm':3ay° up the heart ofnovid, and faith, Fearenot, for the handof Saul )(Minotfide tbce, thou fh,alt bee ICingg over Ifrael, atad (hall bee next unto thee : Aman would thinke, why fhouldnot Jonathan rather la- bour for thecrowne himfelfe, beewasnext leire apparant thereunto.; hee might have faid, faul is my father, andwhyfhouldnot I fueceed him in the crowne ? why fhottld David fartin before me? No, this comfortedhis heart, andrejoyced andcheered his foule; David (hall bee King, and 1 fß,.211 bee next Wit him ; hce loved Daviddeally, . . aid therefore this refrefhed him, thou fhalt bee King in.ifrael, and it is the comfort ofmyheart, that