252 The souks c f fcdùall calliYg ro Chrifi. that I (hall be next unto thee. Aswho fhould fay, it contentsme more that thou [halt be honoured, than ifI my felfewere honoured. So it is with a good heart that loves Iefus Chriff, and his Grace, and his Gofpell : Oh, the happinefle of the Gofpell, and the promotion thereof, is the greateft good and comfort that can befall him. The_Chri(}ian faith, Lt God bee honoured, though I bee difparaged, it skils not Is the Lord advanced,andMoth his Gofpell thrive? Is his Glory promoted ? Doth the worke ofgrace goe forward ? It is enough, what becomes ofmy honour, or parts, or liberty,or cafe, it is nomat. ter. Let it goe well with theGofpell, and let ho- nour be given to the Lord Iefus in theufeofthe means, andordinances which he bath bellowed upon us; let Gods caufe finde that acceptance amongft his fervants which it ought, it is fufici. ent, it rejoyceth myheart. See this in John the Raptifi, when Chrift began to let forth theGof- pell, and robaptize, andmany came unto him ; the..Difciplec ofMin grudged at it, and laid unto ®hn 3 29; lohn ,Rabbi, He that was with theebeyond !orlon, of whom thou baref# witnefe, behold the fame baptizetb andall come to him:(Nowmarke how ro! n !peaks) His Difcipie' were ftirred becaufe they thought the honourand credit went away from them. As if they had laid, Mafter, there is one now that carriesall before him, every mans eye is towards him, and every mans heart is after him. Now lob» lovedChrift, andmarke how he replies, He that bath the Bride, it the Bridegrooms, bit thefriend of