T he Soules effili`reall calling toChrifl', ofthe yridegroome, whichflandeth andbeareth, rejoy- cethgreatly, becaufe of thebr:dgroemer voice, tidemy joy therefore itful f ed. Mwho fhould lay, Chrift is the Bridegroome, I am but the friend ofthe Bridegroonie, who labour only toprepare hearts for Chriff. Is the Lord honoured ? Is the Lords worke profpered ? if this bee fo my joy is full, I have enough ; let the Lord increafe,though I de- creak ; let the Lord have the praife that is due untohicn,and what ever befalsme,I care not. Thisalfo was that cfmephiiofheth,when hewas dealt falfly with,znd fome falfe reports hadbeene fuggefted to David againft him, he was content to put up all the wrong ; and whenDavid re- turned in peace, andbee law the Kings face, and that he had gained the day, and got the field : Davidbegan to comfort and refrefh hinï,arsdbade z scoria 9. him divide the land which hee had taken from him, betweeneZiba and him : nowmarke how hee replieth, Let him take ail, for as much as the King u comeagaine inpeace ro his owne houfe : as who fhould fay, as for the land it shils not ; as for my felfe,and the field, and my life, I paffenot; foras much as youmy Kingarecome home in peace, it is enough, it is fufficient that I have feeneyour Majeffie in peace; this was better to him, da to the field,or any thing elfe, whatfower could be- fall him. Beloved, many a man is all amort, becaufe his honour fais eo the ground, and hecaufehis credit lies in theduff; but ifhe may have h;s owne ho- nour andcredit,he is not rroubl_d,thougl Chrift K k and 2S3 --- ,