Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

=34 TheSoulet ef toChriff. and his Gofpell, andGods honour and glory lye in the duff; this man loves not the Lord : for he that loves the Lord, makes him his portion and his glory ; it is enough Chrift is mine; it is fuffi- cient that his glorieand Gofpell profpers; what ever befall me,I carenot ;' let the world take my cafe, and liberty, and life, andall, let the Gofpell beadvanced, I carenot. Brethren, filch are the bale difpofitions oftoo toomany amongft us,they can treadupon Chïifis fhoulders,and lift uphim,that they may appeare above him ; they can labour to lift up Gods Gofpell, that they may lift up themfelves there- by : this is abale difpolition, that harbours in the heart of moff men : but (I befeech you) lye downe in theduff, andbe content that theLord may be advanced, though thoube difgraced; be content that the Lords name may bee praifed, though thoube difhonoured : what thougheve- ry mans mouth be againff thee? and everymans handoppofit unto thee, yetifGodbe honoured, let that comfort thee : nay ifany ofGodspeople advanceGodmore than thy felfe, rejoyee in it : and let this be theaime of all our endevours for ever. S.Trïal. The fifth triall is this, it is the natureof found love to covet nearer unionwith the thingbelo- ved, and to have a kinde of earneff impatience and refflefnelle, till it attaine a greater meafure thereof. Obferve it, this isa thing whichHowes from the natureoflove; efpecially from this love I now fpeake of, whichbefeemes theLord, who is