Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soutes efeEivall calling to Chrifl. 2 55 is thebefi ofall other things, which the foulecan defire,or the heart poffeffe. TI ereare two bran- a Branchu; ches of the point ; I will handle the one largely, and only touch the other. Love, I fay therefore, is firfl of a linking, anda r gluingnature,and it will aiwayes Barrie the foule with a fireame and earneftneffe, toenjoy thepof- feflion of, and unionwith the thing beloved; it cannot haveenoughofit,it isnever fatisfied with it; it covets nothing fo much, riches nowfeerne loathforne, and profits and pleafures are tedious vanities to him; the foule is out of taflewith all worldly delights, anddelires nothing fomuch as to enjoy Chrif}; this is that he would have. Let the wickedhavewhat theywill,and poireffe what theypleafe, but let me enjoy that only, and 1 care not. WhenDavidhad beene doting on the things here below , at Lail hecame to fee better things inGod : and feehow he fl:ayeth his heart : Whom Pfal.y;.'5'± have l' inheaven but thee ?andthere is none iu earth that Idefire incomparifonof thee : hebids adieu to all other things, and marke what followes; It it goodfor me to drawnegre to God. As ifhee had laid, let the rich man have his wealth, and let the am- bitious man have his honour, let the drunkard havehis cup, and the adulterer his fweet dallian- ces : let themdrinke, and fivill, and whore, and goedown tohell, much good doe it them with their fops;let themhave what theirhearts can de- fire; but it is good for me to drawnigh unto Gad : Oh the pleafures that are at Gods right hand ! Kk2 Oh