Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

256 T'!re Soule; effPe salt calling to Chrift. Oh the rnercie and holinef{è whichhee hath pre. pared, and will beftow upon thofe that are up- right ! Vvhen Marie had beene Peeking andweeping for a Saviour, Chr=ff Paid unto her, Woman why 2,010,16. weepefi't,ou? who isfeekejf thou?Marke nowwhat t tariedid,beingmoved with love to theLord, the c:mceivedChrift tobe theGardiner, and thee fpake thus, Sir, if thou haft bornehim hence, tellnue where thou haft laid him, and1 will takehimaway: She would becontent to havethe bodyof a Sa- viourrather than want aSaviour, (hewould have adead Saviour rather than none : butwhen our Saviour revealed himfelfe toher, when thee faw that helived,and was'rifenagaine, the flew upon him,and with marvellousviolence embraced our Saviour, ( for fo the wordsmuff of necefiìtie be underflood) for Chrift faith, Touchmeenot, fora am notyetafcended ; the meaning is this, Mariewas very eager ofher Saviour : Have I againe feene my Saviour? And doe I againe pcffeffe him? I will never part with himmore : Chrif} faith unto her, M9rre,and fodifcovershinsfelfe the faith tin tohim, r abboni, that is to fay. Mailer; and there fheholds, as if the would never leavehimmore nowChri fI checks her, becaufe the depended fo much uponhisoutward pr, fence Hee faithunto her, Totsch'me nos, for i amnot yet aft-ended; as ifhe hadPaid, I (hall live many dayes upon the earth, and thou {halt bee fatisfid with ,my pretence, therefore doe nor cling fo fall untome for the word touch fignìfiesas much; and thefame word is