TheSouks efanallWing to C,hrifip 257 is ufed in theCoiinthiaz$,It isgeedfora man not to' cor7. I. touch a woman, that is, to cleave and to cling unto°i)(' her; and it is taken from thole peeces of buil- dings, which are let one into another : her affe- dion was fuch, that thewould not part with her Saviour, when the hadmet him. This isa lively piaureof that love which many a poor' foule pofiefleth,when the Lord lets in the glimpfeof his love into the heart; when thefoule hath waited longfor merdeand comfort,and the Lord is pleafed at WI to refrefh it, and cheare it therewith, and to let inTome Tweet incklings, and intimations thereof; many ofGods Saints begin tobee light headed, becaufe they are fo ravifhed therewith, theyare aiwayes cleaving thereunto, infomuch that many times they are almott be- fides themfelves. Looke as it is with parties that live in the fame Simile, famlly,and theirof eaionsaredrawingon one to- wards another in marriage; they will caft their occafions fo, that ifit be pofíible, they will be to- gether,and have one anothers company, and they will talk e together, and worke together, and the timegoethonmarvellous fuddenly, all the while theiraffections aredrawingon : fo it is with the foule that loves Terns Chrift, and hath this holy affe&ion kindled, it thinkes every place happy, where it hath heard of Chrift, and thinkes that honreTweet, wherein it put up its prayers to the Lord, and enjoyed love chat with him ; bee thinkes the Sabbath marvellous fweet, wherein God is revealed in the power of hisordinances Kk 3 any'