258 The mks eeEíuall cagingto°Chrift. any glimpfe ofGods goodnefle, and noticeofhis mercie inChrift,is marvellous comfortable to the foule. And it is the delireof the foule to fit by it: as the drunkard Both in another kirde, fothe lo- ving foule would fit by this merde and loveof God,that.he may be more acquainted with it,and more quickned and chearcdby it ; the foule is ra- vifhed therewith, and overcome asit werewith pJ41. 14, the apprehenfion thereof: David envyed the per. ter that kept the doore ofGods temple,whereGods pre- fence was, and the very birds that built their mile there: as if hee had laid, Youhave liberty to fee thefacri Ecc s offered, and youmay heare thevoi. ces of Gods people,and youmay build yournetts in the temple of my God, and my Lord; and Lord am not I as good as birds ? thereforehis heart was inflamed with t he want of thefe ordi- nances ofGod. Nay old Simeon when bee had fenneour Saviour incarnate, his heart was fo inlar- ged therewith, that he would havebeen content to have left hisbody, that he might have had his full ofhis Saviour; Lord nowletteft thou thyfervant depart in peace,for mineeyes have fenne thyfalvation as ifhe had faid,ftandby body, let me come tomy Saviour , let mee bee for ever with him, I hale beene long enough in this finfull world already. A fpoufethat is contracted, thinkes every day a yeare, and every ye are twenty, till that day comes ; thee bleffeth the very place where the bridegroome is, and fhe thinkes the parties happy that talkewithhim,and the takeso ery token that comes