Thesoulef efeauall callingto Chrift. 259 comes fromhim marvellous kindly, but yet !bee thinkes,íf that day would once come wherein the might pofl'effe him, and be poffèffed ofhim, that the, and fhealone might en)oy her husband ; Oh this wouldbee ahappy day, her heart would bee cheared, and exceedingly refrefhed therewith foa loving foule that bath beene truly humbled . and inlightened in the apprehenfion of Gods love andmercie,and is contraeted,asI may fo fay, unto Chrift, hathmany thoughts; when will it once be,that I maybe married to Chrift,andpoi-- feffe him, and beepoffeffed of him? to bee with cbrift it bellfor me : fuch a one thinkes every to- ken marvellous welcome,and every promife,and every word, that reveals any intimationofGods kindneffe ; but yet, oh whLn will the day come, that I hall be forever with theLord Jefus; this is thehigheftpitch,tiiat Saint Paul fptakes of, we x mea:4,,. that are alive, and remaine, faith he, fJia lbeecaught up together with them in the clouds,and meet the Lord in the aire, andfa fball wee bee ever with the Lord : thus the foule thinkes, when will that day come, that I maynever bewith finne more, never with the world more,neverwithcorruptions more,ne- ver with bare company more ? but with that merde, and that Spirit, and that grace, and with that Chrift, for ever andever; this is the guifeof the foule,and theframeofthe heart, that is kin- dled in found love to the LordJefus ; nay fuch is the ftrongand gluing natureof true love, that it . will make a man bee with the thing beloved, though bee bee in never fogreat raillery. When lacoh