2 60 TheSouks eeiluallcalling toChrift4 Jacobs formes came, and told him that lofeph was fl tine, iambwas grievouflydiftrefred, betaute he loved him deerely 5 now marke what the text faith, Allhi fonneJ and dawghters rofe up tocomfort hirn,huehe refufrd to be comforted; and faid, Iwill got downe into thegrave tomy fonne lofeph; he would rather be in the grave,thannot to be with eo fph 5 and hee will goe downe into the grave, that he maybe with him : fo the wife that loves her husband, when hee is in prifon, theewill bee thtrewith him, thee is forty that it thouldbee fo with 1 e husband, but Thee will rather bee in the prifo withhim, than want his company foan humble foule that hath his heart kindled in ear- nett and found affection to Chrift, is content even to goe into the grave with theLord Jefus, yea intoprifonwith theLordJefus ; let mee bee withChnft, faithhe,thotigh I be in perfecution; let me bewith the Lord Jefihs, thoughIbe indif honour : it is a gritfe to the foule if Chrift-bee fo; but a greater griefe, if he may not he with cant.24 himwhere hee is : when the fpoufe had wanted her bridegroome a great while, and at Taft the Lordwas pleafed to revéale himfelfe unto her, the faftens upon him, and refts contented with himAdde fires no more; nobeloved it mine, and I aM his ; as who íhould fay, thou art mine, and I am thine, let the world thinke what it will I am thywife, and thou art my husband : fo fait hdie foule, Chrift is mine, and I am his, and if I may have more of that grace and holineffe which is inChrift, I have enough, I defireno-more, but without