Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souk.reeétualCsallil to Chríft. 26i. without that I cannot be contented, I cannot be fatisfied. Secondly,there is aholy re!Hlelneffeand impa- tience in the fòule ti l it can artaine this, it will race no nay at the hand of the Lord, but rues for the match though Chrift lee me to forbid the banes , and it were worth the while tooblerve how rlilefíe the foule is, andhow it teftirres it felfe ro artaine neerer union with theLord Jefus, even when he feemes to abfent his r refence from the foule; but we canno-profecute that, fo that by this time then it doth appeare what it is to love the Lord trul,,, and wee have laid downe the triall whereby we may knowwhether wee have thi§ love or no. The third ure isa word ofreproofe, you have heard the ground of confolation already, there- fore when thepill is fugered,I hope it. will down the better : Here thenwee have a juft ground of reprehen(ion, and it comes marvellous heavyas a witnefí'e to accule many, nayas a Judge tocon- dcmne many in the world ; this is fiifficient to fhal :e their hearts, and tomake their futiles that live in the bofome ofthe Church almoft to fnke in the conlideration and fight of theirowne mi- ferable and fearful! condition, uponwhom this worke was never flamped, in whore foules this grace of God was neveryet kindled ; certaine it is filch never loved the Lord, nor ever rejo; ced inChrift. Woe,to their foules therefore, and (be- loved) this is the conditionof thegreateft part of thole that live in the Church, and are counted L I pro- Yfe 3.