Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

a6a The Boules eJfeELwall ealling toChrift. profeffdrs among us ; they love not shrift, they rejoycc not inhim, yet theywill not beeperfwa- ded of it ; thereforegive a little attendance I be- leech you to what I fhall fay. This is thecunning that Satanbath to deceive poore foules withall,becaufe thefe holy affe &ions are inward and retired,as hope,and defire, and love, and jay ; becaufe I fay they are fecret things in the foule, and doe not difcover themfelvesout- wardly to theview ofthe world, further than the fruits thereofmanifeft the fame : Thereforemen notknowing tilde affe&ions themfelves, and not conceivingofthe natureof them,that is thecaufe that many leane upon the expe&ation of what they have in frameof heart, though they want in the courte of their lives this is that which every man almoft doth challenge tohimfelfe, as that whereby hewill beareup his heart in time of trouble, and cheereup his foule in thedayof di- flreffe. Wickedmenwhen everyonecannot but fee and behold theirbate courfes, and loath their finfull practices, nay when they themfelves can- not but coddletheir filthy behaviours, &c.Why they confeffe they fall foully, and they fall dayly and fcandaloufly;but that which heals all Sehelps all is this,they fay it is true it is with their lives, but yet they love the Lord jefus with all their hearts; every vile varlet will fay thus when bee bath fworne by a Saviour, and torne his fíefh in peeces, his blefi'ed body, his blood, his wounds and all; yetwhen he bath done this, he loves a Tweet Saviour í}i11. Ohpoore deluded miferable fifun-