Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souksefei ualdcad'ing to Chrift. full wretch : that I may apply my felfe particular. ly to fuch aone ; I befeech you give mee leave to doe two things. Firft, I will make it good that molt men have not this love ofGod : Secondly, I will plead the Inditement, and then when I have laidout the Inditementand pleaded it, and !hewed who they are that have not this love of God, the pointwill be cleere. Firft it is fare and molt certaine, that molt in the world that live in the bofome ofthe ChurchMott in the havenot their hearts carried in any loveof God_ vottdhaveno but in a hatred and defperate oppofitionagainft theLord Jefus Chrift, !nhimwas life, and this lifegaintt him. was the light of the world, and the light fhined in darkneje, and the darkneffé comprehended it not: the meaning is this,the Lord Jefas Chrift was the life ofthe promife, in himwas life, thepromife of life was inChrift, and that promife oflife was a light to teach men theway to lifeand falvation; but when this light ofthe promife ofgrace fhined to the world, the darke world comprehended it nor, theyknew it not, thrift came unto hisowne, ram t.t.t and his owne received him not. There the Lord fpeakes ofthe Jewes that werehis chofen people, andhis owne bycovenant : His owneby reafon of the privileges and benefits, and ordinances which he beftowedupon them : His owneby profeflion, they tooke theNameofChrift upon them:Chrift came nottoheathens andpagans,but tohis owne, and they receivedhim not. Howmany are there amongft us who profeffe the Nameofthe Lord lefus, and takeup theGofpell of Chrift, andyet L l 2 being