a44 Thesoda epluüll calling to Chrift. being Chriftians in prodien, will not entertaine the love of the Lord Ictus Chrift which fhould makeusChriftians in Sed.Chrifl comes tomany a mansdoore,and knocks,andcalls,and intreats en- trance, but few will entertaine him whenbee comes; nay let mee fay more, myheart trembles to fpeake it, nay my heart, were it as it fhould be, would grieve to thinke it : Wicked ,men are fo faire from prifing Chrift and loving the Lord Iefùs, that they bate him more than finite; nay I had almoft Paid, yet I am loth to fpeake it, my heart (hakes to thinke ir, but that I hope you are willing to heare the worfl; why then I will fpeake it, and they are the words of the scripture,wickcd menhate Chrift more than the devil! himfclfe ; theLordbemercifulto filchpoor firlul creatures, good Lord that ever men fhould be created by the Lord, and enjoy mercy and meaner from the Lord, and yet love ¡lane and the devil himfclfe . more thanGod. ObjeEt. But youwill_fay, are thereany filch, is f p fíi ble that ever any man that breathedand received mercy from theLord Iefus,fhould dealefo fin(ul- kyand unkindly withhim ; why, thedevil! would. not doe it. I faytoyou as the Prophet laid to Hazed in anothercafe; I know, faith he, theevill thouwilt doe tothe children of lfrael, theirfiron,holdswilt x ¡ra.Ltsa;. thou ft on fire, and their ,young men wilt tiJou flay with thefwerd, andwilt d a fh their children, and rip up theirworsenwith chìlde but Haxael fard, what, am d a do ge that d Amid doe tine s? the .Prophet told "a8nfwer.