411.111.1, 26ó The Souks ef eauall caCling to Chriít. t Ranke. i Sort. D[atth.u.33 tee therenemany in the Church that doe not love theLord Jews Chrift, but who are they ? of that we will nowfpeake, for when we lay thecharge, we muffname the man; the Inditement in ge- nerall is nothing, we will therefore referre thefe men that love not Chrift to three rankes. The firft are open enemies to Chrift : The fecond are theglozingneroters ofthe world : The thirdare the fawning Hypocrites that are faire in (hew, but falfe in heart; all thefeareguilty ofthis Indite- ment, wee will therefore plead it againft them, defiring the Lord to convince their confciences thereof. Firft for the former, and they are open ene- mies to theLord Jefus; we will sot (pend much timehere, but ftand longeft there where is molt need, Firft therefore thereare open enemies to Chrift, and they are many, fuchas ifaiah fpeakes of, ye flipnecked andhardhearted, ye haveref(led the Spirit of the Lord : Thofe which fet their mouthes againft Heaven, and Rand in open de- fiance againft the Lord lefus, and againft the power ofhis Grace, and the worke ofhis Spirit in thehearts ofhis, and in the minifteryof the Word, and thefe we referre to twoheads. Firft, fuch as are profef}oppoffrs ofthe evi- denceofthe truth, thofe whereof Chrift fpake, the Hotofbolder let out his Vineyard to Huibandmen, andwhen the timeofthe fruits drew neere, beefent hisfervants to the Hutbandmen that he might receive the fruits of it, and the HusbandmenCooke his fir- vats, andbeat one, and ki(.Ied another, and Boned another;