Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Saules ofe£Euallea/lilt o Chrift. 267 another; at daft hePent his fonne, and faid,furely they willreverence my fonne ; nay when bee came theyad combined andcont fired together, and fard, this is the Heine, come let to kill him, and the inheritance fall be ours; this was an intimation ofthe Scribes and Pharifees, the Chuch was the Vineyard, and it was let out to them, and God fent his Prophets among them, they perfecuted them; then hee fent his Difciples, they ftoned them, and when hisBonne came, they confpired againft the Lord Iefns, withoneopen mouth,wich one joynt en= devour; Come, faid they, this ís theHeire,let see kill him, and the inheritance fhall be ours : And doe you thinke that the Scribes and Pharifees are dead,and have left noneoftheir turfed brood and generation behinde them ? I tell you beloved, therearemany perfecutors ofChrift andhisGof- pell to this day, which are the leaders of the campe, which ftand in open defianceoftheGod ofHeaven; but ifyouaske me° what entertain- ment their lufts have among thefe men, they find all welcome : poffrble temptations whifpernot, occafions come not, corruptions ítirre not fo Toone, be thecompany never fobate, thecourfe never fo vile, the pra&icenever fo wicked, but there miferable finfull creatures give audience and attendance, and acceptance; and entertain- ment to thefe bareconrfes, nay they invite them and provide for them, nay they bellow a great deale ofcoff for the entertainment oftheir lufts, they feeke out occafions tocommit their finnes; the adulterer goeth in the twi-light tomeet his quean sA