The Sputae Waal(caÍdingtoChrift. queanes, and the drunkard goes to the Ale-honk tomeet with hisbalecompanions ; thus they in- vite their lusts, andprovide for the irlufts; this is that the Apofile ditíwades us from; make no proviJon fortbe f efh to fulfill the lulls thereof: yet thefe men make provifion for their bale lulu, their tninies are plotting, and theirendevours la- bouring, toprovideall cous les that may giveen- tertainment to their lulls; therefóre no marvel' they finde fuch long continuance in their fumes, becaufe they make loch provifion for them : but now if you will obferve how thefe menentertaine Chrift, you maydifcover it by thefe two paf3'a- ges. pas -age. Firft, cbferve how they entertaine the power ofChrifls Spirit in the minifterieof the vs o rd and fecondly, how they entertaine the pretence ofour Saviour in the graces ofhis children: Firít, concerning the minifterieof the word, if it be fo that the mìnifteryofthe word comes powerful- ly home to the confcienc, and would open the e,es, and awaken the heart ofungodly men, and wouldplucke t!:em from their finnes : ©}a what an uproare there is ! and how doe men take up armes againft the truth, and beat off the power ofthe word, that it may not prevaile with the heart, and awaken them, and that itmaynot rule in their lives ? Chrift notes fuch as thefe for op- I4e 19. 27. pofers of goodneffe ; Bring hither mine enemies, that would not that I Jbould reign over them, and flay them before my face : the word would plucke thecup from thedrunkards mouth, and theadul- terer