Thesoutesetluallcallir,.gtoaChriff. terer from enjoying his dalliances withhis'mate; but their hearts fwe11, and they groane to beun- der that cruxh, and under the rule thereof, and to be fwayed thereby; nay they doenot only with- draw themlelves from ye_Iding obedience to the holinefieofthe word, but they wiil nor fo ranch as acknowledge the truthofthe word, which the Devill himfelfe did : when Paul wa, preaching thegrace of lifeand falvation, the text faith, The 4Fht6.zr, damfell that had theJ irir ofdivination met him, and the Devill Paid, Thefe men are thefervants of the ano i high Ged,whichfhewunte on theway o f falvation : the Devill acknowledged that this was the word, and the very truth; the Devill acknowledged thefe were the fervices which God commands, and there were the duties whichought tobe dif- charged : but wicked men will not be perfwaded of this, they will not beleeve that theymuff 6e boly,ashe is holy; neither will they beleeve, that. theymu(} bepure,ai he ispure; thefe mendoenot giveGod fomuchhonour,as the Devill did : but fijeout,and fay,Iwill never be ofthat opinion,all the world (hall not perfwade mee to ir, five hun- dred Minifers (hall not makeme thinke fo : Be- loved, this is proffff oppofition, and defperate hatred again ft the Lord, not onely to wighdraw the heart from o edience, but theunderffanding from t'ie acknowledgem nt of the truth, which. theDevill himfelfe confefi'eth: Lnrd,what hearts hivechele mn,and what diffempers are in their fpifts? whowill not doe that,which the Devill himfelfe will doe. Mm Nay