Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

27o The Soulet effcRuallcalling toChrift. 2. P gage. Nay in the fecond place, looke how they be have themfelvcs, when they come intoChrifts prefence, clothnot that manhatea man,that can- not endure tobe in his fight, and enjoycommu- nion with him ? ifChrift come among(t thefe, andprefle into the focietie of them in the pre- fenceofhis children, tlcr hearts are tranfported with infinite indignation againft the appearance of grace inthe lives, and againft the appearance ofholineffe,in thecourfesof thofe whichare the fervants of the Lord,(obferve this) they that hate poore Chriftians for the holineffe and grace which theyhave received fromChrift, they hate Chrift more, and bolinetfe more: fearfull is the cafe offuch,and their condition lamentable ; Oh thatthey wouldat lait goehome, and parley with their owne fouler, and reafon with their hearts after this manner, and not fuffer themfelvcs any longer tobedeluded; fay thus to thy foule,I have beene heretofore deluded, and I have deceived my felfe, I pretended I hated fuckmen, becaufe they werediffemblers and hypocrites : no, no, I hate the piaure of grace ; much more grace it fife in them : ifa mancannot endurethe picture ofa man , much leffe can heendure the perfon of that mAl ; fo is it with the foule : Ibefeech you, be at lait convincedof it, and fay, I hate the (hew and formeof godlineffe inGods children, but I hate the vertue and power of godlineffe much more; if I hate the beanies of the fonne, I hate the fin-me much more ; if 1 hate the fonnefor the fathers fáke, I hate the father much more; if I hate