Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thesautesejftluall calling toChrift, alt hate a Chriftian, becaufe Chrift path humbled and brought himhome, then I hateChrift inff- nitely,then-I hate hisSpirit infinitely, then I hate his grace infinitly much more ; if I hate the lan- thorne for the lights fake, then I hate the light much more : a thikfe cannot endure a lanthorne, if it be a light lanthorne, (if it be a darke one, haply heecan away with it) but if it be a light lanthorne, hee loathes the lanthorne, and hee loathes the man that brings it, but he hates the light muchmore than the lanthorne : fo is it with every finfull oppofer ofthe practice and profè( lion ofGods grace : a Saint of God batha rufh candle light ofGods grace, and purity, And up- rightneffe, and he carries this among a company of blafphemers and oppo ers of God and his grace; now when they fee this light of holinefle, they hare theman that()cares it,muchmore boll- neffe it fclfe, which is inhim, for whichhce is fo oppofedand refitted, To this ranke alfobelongs your poore, igno- rant, carnali creatures, and civilized carnall Got peters, however they will not doe, what thefe men doe, yet they will approve of what they doe; poore filly things that know nothing of God and grace, andcandoe nothing again ft the truth ofGodofthemfelves 5 though they are not brought to this height ofwickedneffe, to be pro- Left oppofers againft that which is holy, yet they will joyne fides with the wicked, and what they doe theycommend,and applaud,and approve of: ifa poore Chrifîianbebanded from one place to M m 2 another,