27z Otis2. The souler effeEfuall calling to Chrift. another, to the loffe of his liberty, and griefe of his heart; nay, fay thefe poore deluded crea- tures, and carnal! gofpellers, it is no matter, they muff be more holy than others,and they mull be more precife than others, it is nomatter now,fee what they get by it; thefe men now approve of what a company of perfecutours doe, and their heart is the farr.e,thoughthey do not do the fame they are guilty of it,becaufeoftheir approvement ofit;as the Scribes andPharifees confpired againff our Saviour;thefouldiers they tookour Saviour, Pilaf he condemned our Saviour, now the poore crowd, they cried below,Cruci fie him,crucìfaehim; theydid not condemnehim, nor take him, but they wereguiltyofcrucifyingChriff,becaufe they gave their content andapprovement thereunto;as S. Peterfaith,rehave crucified theLord oflife;fo there are a company ofpoorecreatures,you know your oldpoore husband, and your old poore father, thoughpoore fooles,theycandoe nothingagainft the Gofpell , yet it doth their hearts good, when it isoppofed, and they fay, it is well, it is pitty but it fhould be fo: I tell thee thou art guikyofoppofingChrift, as well as he that per - fecutes Chrift; marke what Chrift faith to the Scribes and Pharifees, Tour Fathers flew the Pro. phets, andyou build their (epulchers ; that is, they approved the pra&ices of their fathers, fo that lookeas it is with acampe, there are fome leaders and commanders, and there are fome fouldiers, and thereare others which are followers of the tampe, and carry the baggage; now though all be