The settles effeauall calling to Chriff. 273 benot leaders,aridcaptaines,and fouldiers, yetall , are of the fame campe ; fo there is a great long traine in the Devils campe, there are fore lea_ ders,and profefi oppofers of Chriff, which the funne is wearie to behold, and the earth is weary tobeare,thefe are the fouldiers, andcaptaines,and commanders, and poore ignorant creatures, and carnall gofpellers that follow the baggage, they areofthe blackguard too, though they are the taile of the armie, yet they are of the armie of the Devil!, and they are all your-1g Satans, though their talents bee not fo long, and their clawes fo{harp, as others are; they have not lear- ned the skill ro snakea preyofa poore man, as others have, but yet they will approve of that which orhers doe : confider this then all ye that Rand in open defiance againfr Chril},all you that joyne fides with,and givea kinde ofallowance to fuch ungodly courfes, you are guilde and found tardy in thiscafe, though the (inn? be not yours byadion,yetyou ma';cit by approvemenr: thus the open enemy to Chrift is gone, as alfo the poore ignorant creature, and carnal! gofpeller, and civilized perron,who though he will not doe a thing, yet it isroll meat to him to fee irdone. The fcoed fòrt that comes here tobee repro- 2. RaAtkeó ved,areg'nzinn neuters,thcfe alfo Iove their fi: nes more than Jefus Chrift, and love not him in truth ; there are thofe that halt betw, ene two opinions,your linfie- woolfiemen, (as we fneake inthe proverb) thefe ,tam: fooles thar will doe siobody sso harme, provid. d that no marrhurts lllm 3 theme