Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

274 rbeSoutes ofeRuall caning toChrift. them; the highen pitchof thefe neuters is this, that they may procure fafety among allmen,and gaine force refpeCt amongffthe belt; theywith all Mould doe well, but their refolution is this, they will not trouble themfelves, norbe trouble- fome toothers, they fay, hurt comes by medling, andhe that meddles leaft isbelt at eafe;they dwell like civil/ good neighbours by Chrift and the Go`Pell, andnow and then theywill doe Chrift a good turne,provided theymay not hazard them.. felves,arid that they may ferve their own turne; they will welcomeall perfons ofall rankes, ifa blafphemer or riotous perfon comes in, theywill fuit with them, andwelcome them,ifthey be ne- ver fo vile and bafe, they will fay nothing; little Paid is foone amended; they will not reprove them, becaufe they fhould not cenfure them againe : nay ifthey will take up 6nfull courfes, (though they will not doe the fame with them, yet) they will handby and looke on, and fecretly give allowance thereunto : nay further (I be- feech you,obferve it) as they will welcome filch perfons, fo they will often invite a Minifter to their houfes, and intreat him to preach on the funday, and they will ftraine marvelloufly for force holy talke, becaufe they know the heart ofa poore Mini_.ter cannot brooke idle conference, but this neuter likes tl}ofe Minifters bet}, that will not meddle with any perfonall fault in his family ; but ifa Minifterwill fpeake only in the generall,hee bath what bee would,andhee com- mends highly the judgement of the man, bee thankes