The souks o f a`Iuaäcafiing toChrift. :75 thanker him extraordinarily for hispaines, and defires much more ofhis company, and com- mends him fora very difcreet man, andone that knowes how to carryhimfelfe5 (I and heknowes hownot to meddle with him, you muff under- hand that too) if the Minifter will preach do- &rinall thingsonly, and take up points, and lay them downe, and havehalfe a (corepoints in his fermon, thenhee extols him for a judicious and learned man in the Scripture, and he gathers the ,verycrearneofthe Scripture,but ifhe come home tothe confcience, and applyperfonally, and dif- cover particularly the bafeneffe ofhis heart, and the bafeneffe ofhis life, hee then takes his Bible and fais to reading, hee cannot heare with that eare, but wifheth that men would follow their text, (and I could with everyone did fo) Now this neuter intrencheth upon articles ofagree. ment betweene him and theGofpell,for he made thiscovenant with the Gofpell, that he will not trouble the Gofpell,nor perfecute it, neither will bee have that to meddle with him, but if the Gofpell come home tohim,andwould drive him out ofhis pace, hee wiiheth the Minit}er would keepe his text : this man counts zeale in a good carafe, like a fever in a mans body, and hee thinkcs it dangerous tobe ficke, and thereforehe will keepe a cold temper in his body for confti- tution, and a coldLuke warme temper in his pro- feflìon, and then he is admirable healthful) ; and he will be talking muchof the enflamesofmen in the world that are in great place, and if there be