Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

276 The Seules efeaued1ed ling toChrift. be any thing which is naught authorized by great men : he takes much upon him thole two words,Church andfiate, and holds them up as en- fignes, and hee thinkes it a ftrange thing, and thinkes it tobehigh treafon,and falfe Latin:,that any man fhould queftion on what he fpeakes in this cafe, the Englííh of it is this, he is refolved to fee the firong_eft fide, and he will be with that tide, whether it be with the LordChrift, or the power ofhis grace,he cares nor,but he will be fore to fleepe in a whole skin; fo that trefe bale tinfoil men care not for thepower ofreligion, they love themfelves,and lovenot Chrift : thefe mendeale with profeilion, as the neuterall rownes in the Low countries deale with the armies and foul- diers of the Emperour and the King of Den- marke, they will leane to both, that they maybe fubjec`t to neither, they will not take fides with the Emperour, nor yet with the King of Den- rnarke,but theywill be content for to live at cafe, and theywill doe any thing that theymay not be troubled, but ifanyofboth fides begin to let up- on them,they turnehead prefently,theyWill doe noharme to them, if they will not hurt them ; butifthey feeke tobring themunder auehoritie, they arenot able tobeare it, but refift them : fo it is with thefe neuteralifts in a Chriftim courte, they will fafhion themfelves to the world, that theworld maynot delpight them, and they will fafhion themfelves in profeflion to the better fide,t hat they may nor diftafte them ; a man will pray inhis family in the mornirag,andleave Chrift there,