Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soutesefttïtuallóallïng toChrifl. 277 there, andpayeth tribute that way, onely Chrifi tr ult g vehim leave to couzen in his (hop at noon; let himhive what he would, and hee will pay tri bute to the Gofpell,andChriff,and al!;he will pa) tribute ofall hands that he may not bee troubled. This is obfervable ofmen in great place,- a great man will have one or two good lervants in his family, tocredit hirnfelfh that way, and bee will haveaknave and a drunkard too, that they may clofewith thole of that ranke, and lb get credit on both fides' Eut if the-Gofpell befiege this man, and the poweroftheWord flies in the very L'ce of him, andhee mutt lay downe hisowne aimes and ends, andhe mull lay downe his applanfe orc theworld, and hisowne credit., and his civilizing courts; then they turne headprefently, andare notable to beare the authority of the truth, to ftoope thereunto, and be framed thereby (for the Lords fake thinke of ir) there men entertaine Chrift in this cafe, as fometimes men doe their neighbours,theyentertaine them lovingly ifthey will keepe within their bounds, and Tooke to their owneground, that heemay fuffer no harme by them, but now to entertaine him as a Land- lord, and as aConqueror, that hee fhould take all from them, and they depend upon him, this they cannot beare. Now the Saintsdoe this,thev can entertaine theLord Iefus as a Landlord, and as a Commander ; but there newters entertaine the Gofpell and Chrift as good neighbours ; all the while the Gofpell troubles themnot, andputs no hazardupon them, they will welcome it; but if Nn the