Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soutes e,feEfaeaClcallin toChrift. thepower of the truthwill by forceprelle in up. on diem, and make them either better or work, they cannot beare it with patience, but are in a devilli((h fume with the powerof the.Golpe!! that is revealed with evidence unto them : Let there men know that they which are not with Chrift, are again Chrift in his ..ccount, though a man iland anddoe nothing, and therefore thinks all (hall bee well with hina, and all (hall bequiet with him let him know that all the wrong Rvhich is done toChrift and tohis Gofpell,which he foes and afTents unto, and is not an helper againft, theLord will require it at his hinds, and they are guiltyof it before the Lord: curfe yeeMerofh, surfe himwith a bitter surfe, becaufc bee gent not out to helpe the Lordaaainß the mighty ; It is nothingfor a man to fay I did not filch a thing, and I was loth toput my finger in the fire before Iwascallcd, I tell thee thon wert celled to ir;fuch a man, filch aMinifter, that raw the Gofpell lie at theftake, and had nor a heart to grieve for ir, and a hand to fuccour it, bee is guilde thereof: the Lord will fpew fuch new:ets out of his mouth, 1 would thoumert either hot orcad, becaufe thouart neither, therefore t u'ih f#etv,thee out ofmy mouth; that is, either openly prophane,orfound- ly fincere,be fomething. appeare in your colours, either a saint that may he faved, or rife a Devill that maybee damned ; otherwife the Lordwill vomit youbut ofhis mouth : cold water is beft digefted, and a mans ftomackeby hot water is leaft offended, but luke warme water is molt loath.