Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soulete,ffelivall Chrift. 74 loathfome ; fo the Lord hates and abhorsa luke- warme Laodicean Poole that is ofno fide,becaufe he is not fincereheartedofany fide. The third and !aft fort is your fawning Hypo- 3 Kanke. crite,who pretends extraordinary z ale forChrif?, and expreffch outwardly much love to good. neire and will fpeake for a good caafe, andhazard himfelfe therein; andyet whenhebath done ail, and thewedhimfelfe a friend to Chrifi inproef. Pion, bee proves in concluficn a moft bittcr ene- my : Saul was juft fucka fawning Hypocrite, Gad commanded hire to goe againff the Amaleiitrs, I saw., s'.3. anddes3royail: Now Saul pretendsgreat matters what he would dce,and whathe haddonefor the Lord ; and whenSamuel cametomeet him, Saul Paid, Sleffed be thousfthe Lord, ihavepeaformed the Con:Mandementofthe Lord : as ifhe had raid, I am glad you arehere,that Imay give up myaccount, I have done what the Lordenjoyned me to doe, and am glad that I may approve my heart unto thee herein 3 but Samuel prefently convinced him and laid, what means then this bleating offlierpe in mine eares, and this lowing of Oxen which 1 hettre ?As who fhould fay, haft thou done thecommande- ment ofthe Lord? No,though I werefilert, yet the lowingofoxen, Ind the bleatingof Sheepe can te- ftifie that Saul is an hypocrite and adifrembler, andhath not difcharged nor performed the duty God commandedhim hebadekill all, but thou haft Caved Tome. But leaving thefe, I come a little to difcover divers other fortsof Hypocrites amongft us, and theymaybee ranked intofoure Nn 2 forts.