z8o The souks e auallcalling re Chrifl',, forts. Firft, there is a whining Hypocrite: Se- condly,the torannling Hypocrite : Thirdly, the glaricur Hypocrite : and fourthly, theprerunip. ramHypocrite,I fhall hardly perufe any ofthefe at this tiare, [ will onely touch the fecond a little, which I,thinke tobee feafonable, and that is the wrangling hypocrite : There are a company of wretchedmen in the world that fawn and flatter, and pretend to doegreat kindneffes, and they profefi'e they are at your command to fcrve you, todoe what you will, and performe what you pleare; ,but trie them and prove them, and you (hall finde itotherwife, they will not openlypro- feffe that theywill not doe the thing, but when all comes to all, they pretend thereand thAi in- conveniences will follow if they (mould doe it : theywill not profefîely fay theywill not doe the kindneffe, but they will make a plea that they ought not, that thy íhouldnot doe it, and it is againff reafon that you fhould require it : fo' there Hypocrites they revolve to live no longer, they refolve that they wouldnotenjoy any thing in this world, they would not beeany thing, or 'doe any thing, but onely fo f,rreas the Lord Ie! fus may be honoured,and his Gofpell promoted If they thinke they Mouldpromote the Gofpell ofChriff moreanother way than this,tl eywould not andLrtake it: but when it comes to this paffe that amanmuff leavehis honour, and livings, and profits,which foneedyconcernelhim, forChrifl', then ( his tricke is this) hee doth not profeflly fay, I will have pleafure orprofit,and not Chriff, but