Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The sauleselftauall calling toChrift. 2h but hewill wrangle with Chriff, and {rand upon rearmes withGod, and fay, hec ought not todoe this, it is not fit he thoulddoe it, there is nocorn- mandfor the thing. Beloved, it is admirable to obferve the fpirit of thefe men when the word comescleerc to them, when the duty h revealed and required at their hands ., Oh hoiv they will fearcb farre and nee re to invent arguments, to make it no duty, and turne over all bookes, and (as he fpakewittiiy) rake the Devils skull, that fo they may have forne íhift not todoe that which they ought. It is a pretty trick to bee obferved arnongrl great men that follow the fafhion. Firs.}, they refolve toconforme themfelves to theWord of God revealed, but when the fäfhion comes up, they will plead for that t oo : and now thequefli- cnis not what they midi doe,but what they will doe; for all fafh:ons muff bee lawfull, becaufe they are refolved to ufe them. I will propound one truthonelyto tinRI men (o'bfrveitinthine owne foule) doe not thinke towrangleout the truth, and to quarrell with the Gofpell, or ro makeany pretence againff that way which God hashchalkedout before thee, :ridagainft anydu- tyGod commands thee : But art thou in good earner., content that that thouldbee truewhich God will have to bee true ? Art thou willing thofe things thouldbeenaught, which the Word of God faith are naught ? Men may talke what they will, but they have their refervations sill, and there is a league betweene them and their bak..courfes which they will not bee con- N n 3 , vinced