a 8a The Souks ee£áuallcalling toChrifl. vinced of : There is a fecret way of finning which they will not leave, but plead for it, that their Confcience maynot flie in their faces, and rh at they may not goe profeffcly again(' the evi- dence ofthe truth. Beloved, thefemengive no contentment to Chrift, but to their ownecor- rupt hearts. One gives content to the fafhion and weares that, another gives content to his fiber- de, bee will not bee hazarded : Thereforebee will doany thing rather thanhe will beundone : now this man loves freedome, andnot the truth of Jefus Chriff, hee will not fuffer im-- prifonment for it. This gracious worke of the Spirit was ne- ver wrought in thefe mens hearts. JOHN 6. !e IP