The ,sou'e.reffeLi catfing to Chrift. JOHN 6.45.. Every man that bathheardand learnedofthe' Father, commeth unto mee. E are now come to the worke of the will,which is thegreat wheele as it were, thegreat commander i of the foules we are now come to the chamberofprefence: the for-, mer affe&ions I toed you, they were but ashand- maids to ufher inChrid and the promifes. The minde faith, I have feene Chri(}; hope faith, I have waited defire, I have longed ; love and goy, fay, that is here which wee have received, and entertained, here is that which will fupply all wants,that will overcome all corruptions,that mercy that will pardon all our finnes.: then faith the will, content, it fhal.(be fo, and thismakesup thematch ; for now the match commeth tobee made,wrhen the will faithAmen to thebufinefie and this is that great workeofthe will,the fpawn and the feeds of faithwent before, now faith is come to force perfection, now the foulerepofeth it WNW