Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

ado Theseater offiaratt calling tothrift. it felfe upon the Lord ; and Divines fay, that here commeth in faith ; what the mindebath ict:owne, and hope expeaed, and dcfire longed for, and love embraced,then commeth Indic great wheel, the great commander, the will,which[azth,I will ba\ e it : Goeno further, it is the heft matchwee canmake; you law the feeds offaith before in the affedions,but new youfball f.e the root of faith, and the full growth of faith in the will. So from hence the point of Doctrine is this. Do5riie. The will of a poore fihner humbled and cri lightned, comes to bee effectually perfwaded by theSpirit, of the Father, to reft upon the free grace ofGod inChriff, that it may bee interefled therein, and have fupply ofall Spirituali wants from t ence. For the betterclearing ofthis Do rive, con- fider there fouieparticulars. r Firft, the worke mutt be in an heart humbled, and enlightned : 2 Secondly, thewill mull be effeáually perfwa- ded by the Spirit of the Father. Thirdly, by the power of this pet fwafion it calls it felfe upon the rich grace and free mercyof God in Chrift. Fourrhlv, theend of it, that it may bee inter- efled intoall the good that is in thepromife. For by faithwee come to have a title to all that ever Chrift purchafed, and Godbath prepa- red for his people ; and as by infidelity wee went fromGod,fo nowby faithwecomeagain to God. For