The soulas ef`etîuali calling ta Chrif}. 8 For the firft paflage, thisgraceoffaith, theroot r. Particul, whereofis feared in the will, it isin an heart hum- in the doer. bled and enlightened, if either ofthefe two bee wanting,it is not poffible, that ever found faving faith fhould be in the foule : I doe not now did~ pure of the meafure of thefe, how farce a man muff bee humbled, and how muchenlightened, thefe I have handled before, Iabate a man of the meafur , and leave that to the goodpleafureof God, but the.heart muff bee truly humbled, and foundly enlightened. F rft, Theheart matt be humbled, that is, loo.. x. fed from finite and from felfe; ifthe foule benot thus truly humbled, there is no roome forfaith, for the worke of humiliation cleeres the coaft, andclenfeth the roome; forif the fouleofapoore firmer benot loofened fromGnne, andmade wea- ryof it, but takes fart holdofit, as tltemie faith, term. 8.S. They bold faft to deceit, and would not retarne; fo whena manwill hold his pride andhis corrupti- ons, that man is eareleffeofChrift, andnot onely fo, butalfooppofit from going to Chrift, he will not goe toChrift, that he may receive power for the fubduingofhis co-ruptions,becaufe he is re- folved tokeepe his finne ftill,and therefore know, that it is not poffible to receive Chrift, and to cleave to finne too. Secondly, fuppofe thefoule be trulyburdened, 2. and the heart be furcharged with (inne, and the heart feeth an abfolute nece(fityofachange, and he faith, if this be certaine, then I am a miferabk man, andeither I mutt reforme my way, or elfe 0o perifh