a 3tSThe souksefeuall to Chrift. perifh in my way; now when the foule is corne to this, if the heart will yet fhifc for it felfe, and thinke to recover it felfe, feeing it mutt needs change§it will change it felfe,ir will hinder faith; for whatfoever it is that keepes a man in him- felfe, that alwayes hinders theworkeoffaith, for faith ever goes out to another for grace and power tù eafehimofcorruption,andfor ftrength to fubdue his Pinnes ; W the foule fay, either I nerd not change, or if I muft change, I will change my felfe, and fave my felfe, what need have I of a Saviour: thefe hinder faith, there- fore ifever faith be there,the heart muft have this wrought,hemutt feehimfelfe in aloft condition, that is, that by all themeanes under heaven bee cannot fuccour himfelfe, this is the meaning of that phrafe i Luke t9. i o. T e Lord lefio came to roteand toPave that which was loft ; a loft m'n, in- deedevery man is loft under the power of finie and dominionofSatan, but hé tnuft fee himfelfe loft ; how the guilt of finneis condemninghim; and therefore loft in regard of pardon to fave hin,, and allohowhe is polluted, and therefore loft in regardofpowerto fubdue corruptions,ard when he feeththis indeed;that nothing can helpe him but a Chrift, then the feule makes out for a Chrift, this is the meaning ofthat place; John r. 12. To many as received him,he g zee, &c. fo that we muff receive aChrift, whenwe aregone out ofour felves byhumiliation,then arewe fit togoe toGod byvocation. &fief?. But traynotamanbeleeve, and is it not law= full