.----------_ . The souksefeEualicalling toChrift. 287 full to beleeve,unlefre a man be thus humbled ? It is lawfull at any time (if thou canir) but i Aním. fay,it is impofíible for thee tobeleeve,untill thou be thus humbled : as lohn4.44 the Lord Chrift comes to the Pi arifees, and faith, i ,nomyou will not come to mee, thatyou may beleeve: may in the nextplace he faith, How can_ye beleeve that receive honour one ofanother ? how canii thou beleeve in the LordfefusChrift to fubdue thy lufts,'and yet would{r bee uncleane frill, and live in thy lufts frill ? howcanif thoubeleeve inChrift to matter thy rebellious heart,and yet wouldefibe rebelli- on? ¡till ? it is inapof¡ìble 5 heaven and earth can- not meet together, nomore can thefe two ¡land together; therefòre fet your hearts at refl; a man muff be truly humbled and brokenhearted, ifever he beleeve. Secondly, the foule mutt be enlightened ; I 2. joyne thefe tvvo together in this claufe , for though faith be above reazfon, yet it is with rea- fon; it is not that colliers faithof the Papifts, that put out his owne eyes to fee by another mans : this is a delufìon and an implicite faith; therefore,! fay,aman mufl be inlightened to fee thegrace, and merci; and freeneffe ofGods love inChrift : as Pfal, 119 .r 0. They that kaotu thy name Tall put their truff in thee; it is againft common fenfe, that the foule ofa man, that is reafonable, fhoeld fall uponany thing, and relt it felfe there, and yet never feeth whether it be a feffsc;ent helpeor no : this is by the wayofpreparation. It is effetually perfvadedby the Spirit ofthe 2.Partrcu', 00 2 Father, in the door.