The&lutes efeRmall caSiugto Chrift:. 289 the will of man is as farre averfe from God, as the minde is blinde, nay it is more averfe from God thanthe minde is blinde,and it is more hard tobe framed : therefore there mutt: be this effe- í Gall perfwading, as the underf}anding mutt: have the truth leeredto fee a Chrift, fo the will mall be perfwaded, that it may receive power from him : as it is with the fea and the thames, . there is ebbing and flowing ; now the natural': Philofophers obferve, that the ebbing and flow- ing comesnot from any inward proper principle of it felfe, but the light and heat of the moone leaves its beames upon the water, and drawer thewater after it; this makes it to flow,andwhen the moone is gone, the water retornes bee e againe, and this is ebbing juft fo it is with the foule ofaman humbled and enlightened,there is nopower in the foule togoe any fiarth,er than it felfe,to flowuntoa Chrift, and to goe towards thepromifes, further than theLord lets in,by the power ofhis Spirit,the beamesofhis mercie,up- on the foule, and sheds in the freenef e ofbis grace into the heart, and that makes the foule flow againe, fo that as it ebbed and went away fromGodby finne, fo it now flowes and comes tòGodaga:ne; but it is by the power and Spirit ofGod. Now if you aske mee what k is to have the oneft. heart thus perfwaded of Gods goodneflè Chrift: It 'soothing elfe but this:firfr,as it is undeniably Anfm. 0o 3 inl :ghtened,